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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

School Council

What is a School Council?

The school council is a group of pupils who are elected to represent the view of all pupils and to improve their school. It gives the children a voice and allows children to raise issues and concerns or suggest ideas. Members of the school council are responsible for putting forward views of other children in the school. They meet (with a teacher present) to discuss and sort out problems and ideas. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events. 

Why have a School Council?

Having an effective school council, which involves the whole school, is beneficial to the whole community and also individuals as it gives children a say in matters that affect their school and wider lives. It helps our school develop into a caring community where pupils, teachers and parents/carers work in partnership towards shared goals. Being on a school council develops active learning of important life skills.

  • Helps develop responsible attitudes
  • Speaking and listening skills
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Moral reasoning skills
  • Develops self-esteem and self-confidence

Our School Council 

Our School Council comprises of one child from each class who has been elected by their class. We have 9 keen and enthusiastic representatives who will meet regularly with Miss Webb and Mrs Mosley.  Our first meeting has already taken place. We focussed on roles and responsibilities with the goal of having our school council run by the pupils for the pupils.  The School Councillors already have their first task. They will be consulting with their class and designing and making a ‘Worry Box’.