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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School


FS - Year 6 will have a homework menu to select the type of homework they wish to complete. Each week there will be an expectation that children complete the activities in the grey boxes on their homework grid. Throughout the rest of the half term children can select activities to complete and bring them to school to share with the class. For each activity there are a number of stars awarded, the aim for the end of each half term is to collect 20 stars. Also at the end of each half term children's homework will be shared and celebrated in their class.

Copies of the homework menus for each year group will be available on your child's TEAMs account and work/photos can up uploaded onto their account. 


FS and KS1 receive spellings each week linked to their daily phonics sessions and are tested each Friday.

KS2 have spellings based around a spelling rule or strategy. Children access three discrete spelling session throughout each week and are tested each Friday on a selection of the words sent home. The aim of the tests are to check their understanding of the spelling rule therefore we do give the children some challenge words also to check their understanding. Pupils receive a copy of spellings in their planner, take a spelling activity worksheet home and have a Spelling Shed assignment on their online Spelling Shed account.