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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

Online Safety for Pupils

These are our our top ten tips for staying safe online:

1. Treat your password like your toothbrush – keep it to yourself!
2. Do not give out personal information about yourself eg address, phone number, email, school, full name. It is a good idea to use a nickname rather than your real name
3. Always use privacy settings
4. Block the bully –stop someone who is behaving badly and tell an adult. Save the evidence –keep a record of what’s been said and don’t retaliate or reply
5. Remember anything you post or upload to the internet is there ‘forever’ so be careful
6. Ask for permission before posting photos of anyone
7. Always respect others – be careful what you say and what you send

8. Think before you comment and send. Is it:        

  • True
  • Helpful
  • Inspiring
  • Necessary
  • Kind  
9. Look out for your friends – and do something if you think they are being bullied
10. Tell a trusted adult if something or someone makes you feel worried.

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

Click the button above to report harmful content you might see on the internet and help make the internet a safer place for everyone.

Your classroom has an Online Safety display with knowledge you are learning this year too. Our Digital Leader Magazines are here for you to download at home too, scroll to the bottom of this page to find them.

Swiggle is the safe search engine that we use in school and is great for you to use at home too.

Here are some stories to help understand the six themes of Online Safety that we talk about at school:

Privacy, Systems and Security

MONKEYCOW - a story about keeping passwords safe and secure

Online Bullying

Daisy Chain - a story about photography (Free animated story)

Digital Footprint

#Goldilocks - a story about posting online

The Technology Tail - a story about your online history

Digital Well-Being and Lifestyle

TEK - a story about screen time

Relationships and Self-Image Online

Webster's E-Mail - a story about spreading messages online

Webster's Friend - a story about online messaging

Copyright, Quality and Credit 

PENGUINPIG - a story about not believing everything you read online

Little Red Riding Hood and The Wooly Sheep - a story about stranger danger online