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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School


Phonics at Burton Joyce Primary School

Phonics forms an important part of our Early Years and Key Stage One curriculum. We follow the Read Write Inc. scheme which has a clear, progressive sequence in the learning journey. As a school, we aim to enthuse children in their learning of phonics through ensuring a systematic approach to our explicit teaching sessions and provide wider application opportunities in the children’s work and play activities. All Foundation and Key Stage One children access phonics sessions daily where they are taught using the Read Write Inc resources. These sessions are then further embedded through planned English reading and writing activities.

Reading Books

Children take home Read Write Inc book bag books which are aimed at embedding previously learned phonemes. These maybe supplemented with texts which address any gaps in learning. Children will also take home a book they have chosen – a book for pleasure, to read with a grown-up at home.


We follow the coverage recommended by the Read Writ Inc. scheme. Set 1 initial letter sounds taught in the following order: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e l, h, sh, r, j, v, y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk. Set 2 ‘speed sounds’ made up of two or three letters which represent one sound taught in the following order: ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or air, ir, ou, oy. Set 3 ‘speed sounds’ teach the children that there are more ways in which the same sounds can be written, taught in the following order a-e, ea, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur, ow, oi, ai, e, oa, ew, er, ire, ear, ure. 

Curriculum Design & Sequencing of Content

Our coverage and progression is ambitious and designed to equip children with the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to become confident readers and writers. As children progress through the sets children are taken on a progressive, in-depth journey which teaches all of the phonemes detailed in the Read write Inc scheme. This approach enables the children to build on prior learning and use existing knowledge to deepen their phonics understanding so that they learn to blend and segment words confidently.