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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School



This intervention is a promising way to raise standards in maths for children in Primary School.

By now, teachers should have identified children who would benefit from extra maths input to take part in this intervention.

This website is to support schools to implement this intervention effectively. We suggest you implement the intervention for:

  • 30 minutes per day 
  • 4 days a week
  • over a 12-week period (excluding holidays)

However, you may decide to vary this to support your individual needs.

We also recommend that a Senior Leader at your school observes this intervention during the 12-week period. This is to ensure delivery of this programme is as intended through the training. A Senior Leader Checklist for this observation is attached below.

The University of Nottingham and the Apple Regional Training Centre Nottingham (at Burton Joyce Primary School) is supporting schools to implement this EEF Promising Project.

Evidence of Success 

This programme has been evaluated by the EEF and has been highlighted as Promising Project. 

Download the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) report 'Including Early Mathematics in the Early Years and Key Stage 1' here.

Download the Implementation Manual, Senior Leader Checklist and Session Log booklet below.