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Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Primary School

Burton Joyce Children Help Protect the Future!

Tree planting project 27th November 2022

In honour of late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and as part of her Green Canopy initiative,  children with the help of parents, planted 90 saplings, kindly donated by the Woodland Trust, on the river bank at Burton Joyce on November 27th.

Despite days of wind and rain beforehand, the sun shone and the children took the business of planting very seriously.

Not only will the trees enhance the beauty of the area, but also will create food and shelter for birds, animals, butterflies and insects and when they are fully grown, will help to capture carbon from the atmosphere.

By planting trees, the children are investing in the future and will be helping our fragile planet to survive.

It was a fantastic community project, and we would like to thank the Burton Joyce Climate Action Group and John Jackson, Severn Trent Farm Manager, for inviting us to join such a brilliant event. A Huge thank you to our children and their families for joining us and making it such a success.